After hearing from our newest expert on the art and science of finding your Mr./Ms. Right, we want to make sure you stay safe while enjoying the dating scene. And although that includes having your first meetings in public places and not drinking in excess so you can keep your wits about you, these are not nearly as concerning as the rise in HIV amongst Boomers.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, between 1996 and 2000 nearly as many older adults were diagnosed with AIDS as were those in their twenties. Then, in 2003, CDC data shows that there were over 315K AIDS cases in people over 45, representing 30% of total cases.
Surprising? It ought to be for a generation that certainly understands STD transmission, and how to prevent it.
So, why are we not being careful? We let our guard down when it comes to unsafe sex, for two reasons:
You have been officially alerted….
According to the Centers for Disease Control, between 1996 and 2000 nearly as many older adults were diagnosed with AIDS as were those in their twenties. Then, in 2003, CDC data shows that there were over 315K AIDS cases in people over 45, representing 30% of total cases.
Surprising? It ought to be for a generation that certainly understands STD transmission, and how to prevent it.
So, why are we not being careful? We let our guard down when it comes to unsafe sex, for two reasons:
- If we’re dating someone our own age, we falsely believe that this is a kind of guarantee that there’s nothing to worry about, so why use protection?! We erroneously believe that because we may have just come out of a monogamous 26 year relationship, so has everyone else, therefore this person cannot possibly be a risk. The fact is, some if not quite a few of the fellow Boomers we date have been on the dating scene for a while, so very well may have been having unprotected sex with multiple partners
- If we’re dating someone younger, we can easily be pressured into unprotected sex for fear of seeming uncool, or stodgy, being too overly cautious, so we give in rather than risk looking “old”
- Do not jump into bed with someone without truly knowing him/her first – take your time. We’re not kids, so don’t act like one
- If you do find yourself about to have sex with someone you don’t know fully well, use protection. If your sex partner balks at such common sense behavior, stay strong. You’re right, they’re wrong. If they will not relent, remember that you may be risking your life if you continue unprotected. Much better option, get up, get dressed, and go home. This is not someone worth your time.
You have been officially alerted….